
Logiciels d'ingénierie des structures

Logiciel d’ingénierie puissant, intuitif et parfaitement intégré, conçu pour optimiser vos projets et maximiser votre efficacité depuis 1986.

SAFI Structural Engineering software
La technologie SAFI au service d'entreprises renommées depuis 1986.

39 ans d'innovation

Solutions engineered for your success

Explore comprehensive software tools for structural analysis, design, and beyond.

Solutions d'ingénierie

Optimisez vos projets d’ingénierie à l’aide de capabilités avancées.

Fonctionnalités de modélisation graphique intuitives et flexibles

Le logiciel propose une interface graphique intuitive et haute performance, alimentée par DirectX 11 et OpenGL 2.0, permettant une modélisation, une analyse et une conception fluides de structures complexes.

Son interface à ruban organise les outils et les commandes pour une navigation aisée, tandis que des fonctionnalités avancées telles que le rendu 3D, la génération automatique de maillages et la transparence ajustable des objets garantissent précision et efficacité.

SAFI Structural Analysis software Intuitive modeling
SAFI Structural Analysis software

Powerful structural analysis you can trust

Le logiciel offre des capacités d’analyse avancées et exhaustives, en utilisant des méthodologies de pointe pour relever un large éventail de défis d’ingénierie. Il prend en charge des fonctionnalités spécialisées telles que l’analyse par éléments finis, les câbles en caténaire, les ressorts non linéaires et les objets spatiaux pour les composants non structuraux.

Grâce à des stratégies non linéaires robustes favorisant une meilleure convergence, il garantit une modélisation précise pour faire face aux défis structurels complexes.

Animation des résultats d'analyse

Le logiciel permet aux utilisateurs d’animer les résultats d’analyse, y compris les analyses statiques, P-Delta, de flambement, sismiques et dynamiques. Cette visualisation met en évidence les déplacements, les forces internes, les contraintes, les réactions, les formes modales et les données de l’historique temporel, offrant ainsi une compréhension claire du comportement structurel.

L’animation des enveloppes se concentre sur les régions critiques, simplifiant les données complexes pour faciliter la prise de décisions lors d’événements dynamiques.

SAFI Structural Analysis software Results Animation
SAFI Structural Analysis software Custom Reports

Rapports exécutifs personnalisés

Le logiciel propose des outils avancés de création de rapports personnalisés, permettant aux utilisateurs de générer facilement des rapports professionnels sur mesure. Grâce à des options pour sélectionner les données pertinentes, ajouter des tableaux individuels ou multiples et personnaliser les paramètres, les utilisateurs peuvent concevoir des mises en page répondant aux besoins spécifiques de chaque projet.

Les titres modifiables, le réagencement des tableaux et les modèles prédéfinis améliorent l’efficacité, tandis que les mises en page personnalisées enregistrées simplifient la génération de rapports futurs.

SAFI Software Reviews

Trusted to empower productivity since 1986


''The SAFI software was built with the engineer and designer in mind. The SAFI team has thought of every feature an engineer needs to design and optimize a structure. The program is very intuitive and easy to pick up. The support team is very responsive and knowledgeable. They can troubleshoot any modeling issue that comes up. ''

Veristic Technologies, Inc. - Houston, USA

''The SAFI software is one of the most suitable structural analysis and design tool for onshore and offshore rigs. I was fortunate to work in both environments and I find that it is closely tailored to the industry's compliance. What can I say about customer support? Imagine that customer support is just a call away, always available and knows exactly what I need. ''

Sugrim Sagar
M.Sc. P.Eng. - Texas, USA

''I don’t customarily provide reviews for software, nevertheless this is a special case. I have been
using a variety of software in my 30-year structural engineering career (including all the big ones out there
as well as some smaller lesser known ones). I must tell you that your SAFI software ranks up there with
the best of them.''

Paolo M Trevisan P.Eng
Trevitech Consulting LTD

Featured end-user projects

Projects powered by SAFI Software

SAFI Structural Analysis and Design software
Residential projects


CIME Consultants

SAFI Structural Analysis and Design software - Target Distribution center
Commercial projects

Target Distribution center

Canam Group

SAFI Structural Analysis and Design software - Alberta Biofuels
Industrial projects



St Joseph' Hospital - SAFI Structural Software - Canam
Institutional projects

St Joseph Hospital

Canam Group

Looking for a powerful, intuitive, and seamlessly integrated structural engineering software to enhance productivity? You are at the right place.

Our team is here to assist with any inquiries—whether you're exploring options, scheduling a demo, requesting pricing, or seeking help to get started.

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Découvrez pourquoi les ingénieurs professionnels choisissent GSE.

SAFI ǀ Productive Structural Analysis and Design Software

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Logiciel General Structural Engineering (GSE) Software - Structures et Bâtiments

General Structural Engineering (GSE) Software - Buildings and Structures

Steel and Cold-formed steel
American AISC 360-16 LRFD, American AISC 360-16 ASD, American AISI S100, Canadian CSA S136, Canadian CSA S16, Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4, Indian IS 800-2017

Reinforced Concrete, Slab and Foundation design
American ACI 318, Canadian A23.3-04, A23.3-14, European EC2-2004, Egyptian ECCS 203-2001

Mass timber and Light-frame wood
2018 National Design Specification (NDS), Canadian CSA 086-19

Aluminum AA ADM-2020 (LRFD), Aluminum AA ADM-2020 (ASD), Aluminum CSA CAN S157

Learn more about the GSE Software

Logiciel Petroleum Structural Engineering® (PSE) - API 4F Eau, Gaz et Pétrole

Petroleum Structural Engineering® (PSE) Software - API 4F Oil&Gas Offshore Design

API 4F 5th Edition
The PSE Petroleum Structural Engineering® software is an integrated structural analysis and design software for Onshore and Offshore structures according to the API 4F 5th edition requirements.

Wind loads
The API 4F specifications for wind loads based on the velocity component approach is integrated into the PSE Petroleum Structural Engineering® software.

Vessel dynamic motions
In the PSE Petroleum Structural Engineering® software, vessel dynamic motions are defined according to API 4F Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures.

Waves and current loads
Wave and current loads generated forces applied to submerged structural members in platforms and floating hulls are analyzed through linear and nonlinear kinematics in accordance with the API RP 2A specifications.

Learn more about the PSE Software

Logiciel Telecom - Tours de Télécommunication

Telecom Software - Telecommunication towers

Telecom software is a powerful and comprehensive structural program for the design of steel telecommunication structures such as self-supporting towers, monopole towers and guyed masts according to the ANSI/TIA-222 and CSA S37 standards.

Telecommunication towers
Self-supporting towers
Monopole towers
Guyed Masts
Nonlinear Catenary Cables
Automatic Calculation of Ice and Wind Loads
Automatic Calculation of Force Coefficients

Learn more about the Telecom software

Logiciel Highway Sign Structural Engineering (HSE) - Structures de signalisation, supports de feux de circulation et mâts d'éclairage

Highway Sign Structural Engineering (HSE) Software - Overhead sign supports, traffic lights, high-mast towers

Highway Sign Structures Analysis, Design and Evaluation Software (ASD & LRFD)

The HSE structural software is an automated structural program for modeling, analysis and design of latticed Highway Sign Structures, Overhead Sign Structures, Gantry structures, Cantilevers, Traffic Signals and High-Mast Lighting Towers (HMLT). The program supports the required specifications of the AASHTO LTS-13 ASD (6th edition), AASHTO LTS-15 LRFD (1st edition), CAN/CSA S6.

Overhead Structural Sign Supports
The HSE Highway Sign Support software allows users to design overhead sign structures with various road sign panels such as simple panel, reinforced panel, variable message sign (VMS), walkway or secondary panel. Wind, ice and gravity loads are automatically calculated by the program.

Traffic lights and Signal Supports
HSE Highway Sign Support software allows users to design various types of traffic light and signal mast arm structures. The program takes into consideration truck-induced gust loads and galloping force based on the frontal projected area of each traffic signal.

High-Mast Lighting Towers (HMLT)
The HSE Highway Sign Support software allows users to design various types of lighting solutions such as street lighting poles, high-mast lighting towers and lamp posts. The program takes into consideration natural wind gusts that may induce cyclic loads in lighting structures.

Overhead Sign Structures
Highway Sign Structures
Cantilever Structures
Traffic Signal Support Structures
High-Mast Lighting Towers
Luminaire Supports
Street Lighting Poles

Learn more about the HSE Software

Logiciel Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) - Ponts et Infrastructures

Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) Software - Bridges and infrastructures

3D Bridges
The BSE Bridge Structural Engineering software is a fully integrated analysis, design and evaluation software for bridges. The software accounts for steel, reinforced concrete, composite and prestressed girder bridges.

Prestressed Girder Bridges
The pre-tension module was developed for the analysis, design, verification and evaluation of beams prestressed by pre-tension. This module performs with a minimum of effort for the user the verification of prestressed beams.

Steel-Wood Bridges
The steel and wood bridges program is an entirely automated parametric program for the design and the evaluation of steel girder bridges with wood decks.

Learn more about the BSE Software