
(GSE) General Structural Engineering Software

The General Structural Engineering (GSE) software is designed for the analysis and design of various construction materials, including steel, concrete, timber, and aluminum. Featuring an intuitive ribbon-based interface, GSE offers advanced analysis capabilities and is trusted globally for innovative structural design.

Annual subscription
Software license (Product Key)
Technical Support included

Subscription terms:

Select your Structural Analysis Module:

Includes all core analyses, such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA), P-Delta Analysis, Seismic Analysis, and more.

Includes all core analyses, and also Catenary Cables, Spatial Objects, Spatial Loads, and Nonlinear Springs.


Select your Design Modules:

Engineered wood structures and light-frame wood (2018 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction and CAN/CSA O86-19)
Steel Structures (American AISC 360 (LRFD and ASD) and AISI S100-16, Canadian CSA 16 and CSA S136-16, European Eurocode 3 and 4, Indian IS 800)
Reinforced concrete, slab and foundation design (American ACI-318, Canadian CSA-A23.3, and Egyptian code ECCS 203)
Aluminum structures (American code 2020 Edition of the Aluminum Design Manual published by the Aluminum Association (AA ADM-2020) and Canadian CAN/CSA S157)

Structural Calculation Software Add-on:

Structural Engineering Calculation Software

Structural Engineering Calculation Software

Structural Engineering Calculation Software

Order total: $ USD875.00