
BSE Software

Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) Software Suite

Bridge Structural Analysis and Design Software

The Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) software is a fully integrated analysis, design and evaluation software for bridges. The software accounts for steel, reinforced concrete, composite, prestressed girder bridges and steel-wood bridges.

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Overview of the BSE software

The Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) software is a fully integrated analysis, design and evaluation software for bridges. The software accounts for steel, reinforced concrete, composite, prestressed girder bridges and steel-wood bridges.

The Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) program allows to analyze, verify, evaluate and design 2D and 3D bridge models of any type and size subjected to standard or non-standard moving loads. The BSE software performs multiple simultaneous or non simultaneous standard and non standard moving loads analysis on simple and complex trajectories. The program includes a comprehensive library of over 25 standard trucks and a moving load editor for user defined trucks and trains.

The BSE software is a technology built on a ribbon-based interface, offering a streamlined design element where tools, commands, and options are conveniently organized into tabs and groups for effortless access and navigation.

The BSE software is  robust tool developed by SAFI Structural Software. Established in 1986, SAFI is a technology-driven company designed to empower engineers to tackle complex structural challenges with ease. With a rich history of 38 years of continuous development, the BSE software stands as an example of innovation in the construction industry.

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BSE Bridge

3D Bridge Structural Analysis, Design and Evaluation, including Prestressed girder bridges (CSA S6)

Steel-Wood Bridge (SWB)

Automated tool for design and evaluation of steel girder bridges with wood decks (CSA S6-19)

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NOVEMBER 5–8, 2024

Reliable Structural Analysis Capabilities You Can Trust

Multi-Material Structural Analysis and Design Software (Steel, Timber, Concrete, Aluminum)

The BSE software features comprehensive state-of-the-art structural analysis methods, including:

FEA Finite Elements Analysis, Static Analysis, Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, P-Delta Analysis, Natural Frequency Analysis, Static Equivalent Seismic Analysis, Dynamic Time-History Analysis, Seismic Time-History Analysis, Modal Analysis, Spatial Objects and Spatial Loads, Buckling Analysis, Response Spectrum Analysis, Advanced Section Stress Analysis, Torsion and Warping, Built Up Sections, Catenary Cables, Nonlinear springs, Diaphragm Analysis, Horizontal Notional Loads, Loads and Load Combinations.

FEA including plates and shell elements
Torsion including restrained warping of open sections
Linear and exact non-linear cable elements (catenary cables)

Non-linear analysis using load control and displacement control strategy for better convergence
Non-linear springs
Possibility to add non-structural components using spatial objects

Gain deeper insights into structural behavior

The BSE software enables users to animate results from various analyses, including static linear, P-Delta, buckling, natural frequencies, seismic, and dynamic analysis. This feature helps visualize structure displacements, internal forces, stresses, support reactions, mode shapes, and time-history data, providing a clearer understanding of structural behavior during different events.

Gain deeper insights into structural behavior during dynamic events, such as identifying the critical moments of dynamic loading. Animating the envelopes streamlines the information displayed, allowing users to focus on the model’s most critical regions.

Learn more about the BSE Animation Feature

Offering advanced features for result animation

Custom Executive Report

Benefit from Custom Reports capabilities to easily create tailored reports with editable content selection and arrangement. Take advantage of predefined templates and save your custom layouts for efficient use in future projects.

Advanced Reporting Feature:

· Select data types based on the application and modules used.
·  Seamlessly add individual or multiple tables to the report from the selected group.
· Customize report settings that apply to the entire document, with the flexibility to override options for specific tables.
· Manage report layout with custom titles, table edits, and reorder tables using intuitive controls.


Perform Advanced Structural Analysis

The BSE software has comprehensive structural analysis methods such as FEA Finite Elements Analysis, Static Analysis, Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, P-Delta Analysis, Natural Frequency Analysis, Static Equivalent Seismic Analysis, Dynamic Time-History Analysis, Seismic Time-History Analysis, Modal Analysis, Spatial Objects and Spatial Loads, Buckling Analysis, Response Spectrum Analysis, Advanced Section Stress Analysis, Torsion and Warping, Built Up Sections, Catenary Cables, Nonlinear springs, Diaphragm Analysis, Horizontal Notional Loads, Loads and Load Combinations.

State-of-the-art analysis tools
FEA including plates and shell elements
Torsion including restrained warping of open sections
Linear and exact non-linear cable elements (catenary cables)

Non-linear analysis using load control and displacement control strategy for better convergence
Possibility to add non-structural components using spatial objects

Complying with seismic requirements
Automated static equivalent method of the building codes (NBCC and IBC)
Seismic response spectrum, seismic time-history, and dynamic time-history analysis
Customized response spectrums and accelerograms
Fully customizable analysis parameters
Maximal response using CQC and SRSS methods
Automated or user defined damping
Graphical display of response spectrums and accelerograms
User defined incidence angle of seismic loads and vertical components
Customized analysis and output time steps
Time-history results can be provided for selected parts of the models

Benefit from result animation

The BSE software allows users to animate results from different types of analysis such as:
Static linear analysis
Static P-Delta analysis
Buckling analysis
Natural frequencies analysis
Seismic and dynamic analysis

Users can animate various static linear and P-Delta analysis results such as:
Structure displacements
Internal forces
Support reactions


Frequency and Buckling
The frequency and buckling analysis provide multiple mode shapes describing multiple behaviors of the structure. With large models, the animation is helpful to discern and understand the mode shapes. It is easier to determine if the buckling mode is a local or global phenomenon. It also provides a very accurate interpretation of the participating mass of each mode in a seismic spectral analysis.

The animation function displays every saved time-step to provide an accurate representation of the displacements, velocities, accelerations and internal forces acting on the structure.

This will provide users a better understanding of the structure behavior during the dynamic event, such as finding the critical time of the dynamic loading.

Animating the envelopes helps minimizing the amount of information on the screen. Users can focus on the most critical regions of the model.

Learn more about the Animation Feature

Moving load

The BSE software performs multiple simultaneous or non-simultaneous standard and nonstandard moving loads analysis on simple and complex trajectories.
The program includes a comprehensive library of over 40 standard trucks and a moving load editor for user defined trucks and trains.
The moving loads are transferred to selected elements of the model.
Impact factors can be specified for an entire truck load or on a per axle basis as well as for lane loads.
Axles can be raised as required by some bridge design codes.
Lateral distribution factors for moment, shear and deflection are supported.
Envelopes of response are obtained for any combination of moving loads, lane loads and non-moving loads.
Incremental analysis can be carried out to account for staged constructions.

Load factors
Load factors can be determined automatically when evaluating an existing bridge.
Associated forces and maximum values can be obtained at any point of the structure using the advanced query engine.
The BSE allows to query analysis results and associated results at any point of the structure.

Technical features
-The moving loads are transferred to selected elements of the model.
-Impact factors can be specified for an entire truck load or on a per axle basis as well as for lane loads.
-Axles can be raised as required by some bridge design codes such as the CAN/CSA S6 code.
-Lateral distribution factors for moment, shear an deflection are supported.
-Envelopes of response are obtained for any combination of moving loads, lane loads and non-moving loads.
-Incremental analysis can be carried out to account for staged constructions.
-Load factors can be determined automatically by the program when evaluating an existing bridge.
-Associated forces and maximum values can be obtained at any point of the structure using the advanced query engine.
-The BSE Bridge program permits to query analysis results and associated results at any point of the structure.

Design features

Design of reinforced concrete, steel, aluminum, and composite bridges with the Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) software.

Design of reinforced concrete bridges
Automatic determination of longitudinal and transverse beam reinforcement.
Automatic determination of pile reinforcement.
Edition of all reinforcement bars.
Multi-cycle design and verification.
Design of partial structures.
Allows design of concrete members subjected to a linear, P-Delta, non-linear, seismic, dynamic or moving load analysis.
Second order effects may be accounted for according to the simplified method of the design codes.
Effects of lateral drift and internal member deformations may be considered together or independently.
The BSE program allows to design continuous members.
Design of bending, shear, torsion and combined axial forces and bending.
Calculates all required reinforcement and development lengths.
Calculated reinforcement can be further edited, and additional resistance verification calculations can be performed on the whole or selected parts of the structure. This cyclic design method allows to closely match practical user requirements without the need of tedious hand calculations.
The program can design longitudinal reinforcement, stirrups and column reinforcement for common concrete section shapes.
Reinforcement layouts, resistance curves and interaction diagrams are displayed graphically.
The program considers longitudinal reinforcement and bent bars for bending resistance.
The program considers straight or inclined stirrups and bent bars for shear and torsion resistance.
The program considers column reinforcement for combined axial and bending loads.

Design of steel and composite bridges
Full support for transverse, bearing and longitudinal stiffeners.
Total and partial composite action and automatic determination of the required studs.
User defined studs.
Plain concrete slab or concrete slab cast on steel deck.
User defined and standard steel decks.
Long term deflections can be considered.
Slab reinforcement can be considered in analysis.
Effective or full composite inertia can be used.
Steel verification includes sections classification, resistance and stability checks according to the applicable code.
Calculation of the bending, compression, tension, shear, torsion, warping and combined resistance of steel elements.
Effects of bearing, transverse and longitudinal stiffeners are considered in the design of bridge girders using bridge design codes such as the CSA S6 standard.

Evaluation features

The Bridge Structural Engineering (BSE) software offers comprehensive bridge evaluation capabilities.

Automatic determination of load factors according to chapter 14 of the CSA S6 code.
Automatic determination of resistance factors (U) according to chapter 14 of the CSA S6 code.
Supports standard traffic loads and special permits.
Classes of dead loads can be set for each basic load (D1, D2 and D3) .
Classes of moving loads can be set for each basic load (Normal traffic, alternate normal traffic, PA, PB, PC and PS) .
Member properties such as system behavior, inspection level as well as reliability index are specified for each element.
Element behavior is determined automatically for each element of the bridge.
The program provides forces, resistances, limit states, and live load capacity factors for all elements of the model.

Evaluation of reinforced concrete bridges
Allows verification of concrete members subjected to a linear, P-Delta, non-linear, seismic, dynamic or moving load analysis.
Second order effects may be accounted for according to the simplified method of the design codes.
Effects of lateral drift and internal member deformations may be considered together or independently.
Verification of bending, shear, torsion and combined axial forces and bending.
Calculates all required reinforcement and development lengths.
Calculated reinforcement can be further edited, and additional resistance verification calculations can be performed on the whole or selected parts of the structure.

Evaluation of steel and composite bridges

Steel verification includes sections classification, resistance and stability checks according to the applicable code.
Calculation of the bending, torsion, warping, compression, tension, shear and combined resistance of steel and composite elements based on the results of a linear, P-Delta, non-linear, seismic, dynamic or moving load analysis.
Complete check of deflection according to a comprehensive set of criterions.

Bridge Evaluation results
Query any result of the bridge analysis at any point of the structure.
The evaluation report may be printed for a point, a beam or the whole bridge.
Results are available for the truck load, lane load, combined truck and lane load and for any load combination.
Results for static loads can also be queried for a given set of criterions.
Results for the truck load are given with the truck position and direction.
Forces associated to queried results are also displayed.

Design and Evaluation of Prestressed Girder Bridges

The BSE software has the capability for the analysis, design and evaluation of beams prestressed by pre-tension. This module performs with a minimum of users’ effort the verification of prestressed beams. In fact, once the geometric data and the materials are given by the user, via the pre-tension module, the program takes care of generating the model automatically. Thus, the time required to create a model is reduced to a minimum.
Automated model generation
Analysis and design of precast concrete bridge girder with pre-tension carried automatically according to the following sections:
-Custom shapes

Automatic and custom transverse strands layouts.
Straight strands with one or two raised points.
Standard and custom moving load envelopes for truck and/or lane loads.
Pre-tension losses calculated with specified code or through a step-by-step method.
Design of precast girders for multiple span bridges with composite slab action.
Design of stirrups along girders and design of steel reinforcement at supports.
Account for thermal effects.
Account for the secondary effects from creep and shrinkage.
Deflection of girder according to time.
Evaluation according to Chapter 14 of CSA S6 code.
The module combines the results obtained for the highway live load with other types of loads applied to a structure (dead weight, additional dead loads and live loads) to obtain a global solution as well as the corresponding envelopes.

Model parameters
The Pre-Tension toolbar contains the commands to operate the prestressed bridge girder design module. The module allows to design such beams according to the CSA S6-14 and CSA S6-19 codes using standard AASHTO, CPCI, NEBT and NBPS sections as well as custom precast cross sections. The module supports standard highway moving loads and custom moving loads.

Custom precast section predefined shapes include the narrow top flange, the wide top flange and the bulb tee sections.
Transverse strands layout.
Transverse strands layouts for any standard or custom precast sections.
All standard sections have built-in strands layout that can be overridden.
The transverse strands layouts must be defined for custom precast sections.
The transverse strands layout is defined for the maximum number of strands in the section.
A custom layout does not overwrite the default layout, this default layout is still be available.
The maximum number of straight and inclined strands for standard sections are specified.
Custom moving loads.
The software allows to define custom moving loads.
Standard moving loads.

The standard moving loads as well as all custom moving loads available are:
-CL-625 (CSA S6)
-CL-625-ONT (CSA S6)
-CL-W (CSA S6)
-CF3E-500 and CF3E-W (Quebec)
-CFHN-1500 and CFHN-W (Quebec)
-QS660 (Quebec)
-MTQ-340 (Quebec)
-CS600 (CSA S6-88)
-OHBDC (Ontario)
-Egyptian Loads

The lateral distribution coefficients wizard calculates the lateral distribution coefficients with respect to the CSA S6 requirements.

BSE Technical features

-The moving loads are transferred to selected elements of the model.
-Impact factors can be specified for an entire truck load or on a per axle basis as well as for lane loads.
-Axles can be raised as required by some bridge design codes such as the CAN/CSA S6 code.
-Lateral distribution factors for moment, shear an deflection are supported.
-Envelopes of response are obtained for any combination of moving loads, lane loads and non-moving loads.
-Incremental analysis can be carried out to account for staged constructions.
-Load factors can be determined automatically by the program when evaluating an existing bridge.
-Associated forces and maximum values can be obtained at any point of the structure using the advanced query engine.
-The BSE Bridge program permits to query analysis results and associated results at any point of the structure.

Intuitive modeling features

Users can model structures using an intuitive graphical user interface powered by DirectX 11 and OpenGL 2.0 for increased speed and capabilities and generate executive and customizable formatted reports in Microsoft Word and Excel worksheets.

Manipulate models graphically with extreme flexibility.
The unmatched graphical user interface of the BSE software allows to create, analyze and design large and complex bridge models quickly and easily. Bridge models can be shown as lines, wire frames, or can be rendered as 3D solids. Functionalities of the BSE program allow to generate automatically detail elements in an automatically generated mesh perimeter. An object transparency option is available for various components such as current selection, solid members, plates, surfaces, spatial objects, panels.

Versatile modelling tools to create any type of bridges
The BSE software includes powerful and productive features to generate any type of models:
Local coordinate systems
Linear or circular lines of constructions for model creations
Automated commands for model creation such as move, rotate, extrude, copy, attach, subdivide and others
Models can be edited either graphically or by means of spreadsheets
Elements can be created in batch or one by one
Elements of the models can be selected either graphically or according to a set of criterions
Persistent groups of selected objects can be created and edited graphically or by means of spreadsheets
Powerful edition and automatic generation tools
Similar connected members can be merged together
Elements of the structure can be renumbered according to several criterions
Element attributes can be set graphically or by means of spreadsheets (sections, analysis parameters, rotation angles, etc.)
Surfaces can be used for load transfer and self-weight calculation.

Unit systems
Metric, imperial, and mixed unit systems are allowed and can be modified at any time.
Reports are printed according to any unit system.

Display features

The program manages to scale the size of the various pictures including toolbar buttons in order to make the user interface easy to use on every monitor, even on very high-resolution monitors.
3D solid display of all section shapes.
Ultra-fast 3D visualization in wire frame or solid modes.
Customized display of all graphical objects.
Partial model visualization.
Results can be displayed on screen for the whole or a part of the structure.
Results can be displayed for each element separately by means of graphics and numerical results spreadsheets.
Results can be displayed for a set of elements by means of numerical results spreadsheets.
Graphical display of seismic and dynamic analysis results.
Model size limited only to the physical capacity of the computer.
Objects transparency for various components such as current selection, solid members, plates, surfaces, spatial objects, panels.
The level of transparency may be customized for each type of object from the Display Options command.
Functionalities of the BSE program allow to generate automatically detail elements in an automatically generated mesh perimeter.
These functionalities are specifically related to the refinement area, the opening, the linear constraint and the punctual constraint.
All detail elements added to the BSE model will be automatically connected to the finite element mesh.
The mesh perimeter will also connect any elements already in the model to the mesh perimeter automatically if they are in the plane of the mesh contour.

Comprehensive reports

The BSE software provides an exhaustive set of result features that include graphical views, diagrams, numerical tables, and text reports.

Results can be visualized either graphically or numerically.
Customized list of input data and results to be printed.
All graphics can be printed or copied to the clipboard for use in external programs.
Reports can be generated in:
-Microsoft Word
-Microsoft Excel
-Unformatted text (.txt)
Generate the report for the whole model or a selection of elements.
Printing limit states results for the critical results only for each member or for physical member for the critical combination.

File import and data exchange

The integration of the IFC in the GSE program enables importation of models from a large number of architectural and structural software. IFC-Architecture interface for importing models from Revit or other IFC compliant programs.
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) is an open and neutral data format allowing the definition of related classes to all construction objects. It is dedicated to the building sector and aims to software interoperability (all editors, all applications).
IFC is the most widely used protocol for information exchange and sharing between different platforms of BIM (Building Information Modeling).

AutoCAD interface to import and export models by way of a DXF file.
The solid view of the structure may also be exported when exporting to AutoCAD.

The SDNF (Steel Detailing Neutral File) interface exports beams, columns and braces to SDNF compatible detailing software.
The KISS (Keep It Simple Steel) interface exports beams, columns and braces to KISS compatible estimation software.
If required, members subdivision and account for physical elements will be carried out automatically.

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