
Structural Analysis and Design Software for Steel Structures

Multi-Material Structural Analysis and Design Software (Steel, Timber, Concrete, Aluminum)

General Structural Engineering (GSE) Software Suite

A powerful structural analysis and design software that enables verification, design, and optimization of steel structural members, as well as composite steel-concrete beams.

3D Structural Analysis and Design Software for Steel Structures

General Structural Engineering (GSE) Software Suite

The GSE Steel program is a versatile structural analysis and design tool for steel structures, adhering to industry standards such as AISC 360 (LRFD & ASD), AISI S100-16, CSA S16, and CSA S136-16. It enables the verification, design, and optimization of steel structural members, including composite steel-concrete beams.

This 3D frame analysis software offers intuitive modeling features, comprehensive structural analysis capabilities and powerful design tools. GSE Steel software is user-friendly, easy-to-use and built on a ribbon-based interface, offering a streamlined design element where tools, commands, and options are conveniently organized into tabs and groups for effortless access and navigation.

3D Structural Analysis and Design Software - GSE Software
39 years of innovation

Delivering cutting-edge solutions to industry leaders since 1986.

Structural Steel design

Explore the extensive features and functionalities of GSE General Structural Engineering – Steel Design.

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Core features of GSE Steel Software

A structural analysis software for professional engineers.

GSE Key Features - Steel Design
Supported design codes
• American AISC 360 (LRFD and ASD)
• Canadian CSA S16
• AISI S100-16
• CSA S136-16
• European Eurocode 3 and 4
• Indian IS 800
Steel structural Analysis

P-Delta, Linear, Non-Linear analysis, Seismic Static, Seismic Spectral and Dynamic analysis, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) 

Sections and Steel grades
• Design of steel sections or composite steel-concrete sections.
• Standard CISC, AISC, European, Russian and Indian sections or parametric section shapes (over 40 shapes available).
• Singly symmetric, asymmetric and built-up section shapes are covered for all design codes.
• Comprehensive library of standard steel grades.
Steel Design
• The design of composite beams accounts for long term deflections, partial composite action, plain slab or slab cast on standard or user defined steel decks and user defined studs.
• All parameters required to calculate the resistance of the elements such as unbraced length, buckling lengths, buckling factors and others can be customized either graphically or from spreadsheets.
• Several design parameters can also be calculated by the program.
Steel verification

• Steel verification includes sections classification, resistance and stability checks according to the applicable standard.
• Calculation of the bending, compression, tension, shear, torsion/warping and combined resistance of steel and composite elements based on the results of a linear, P-Delta, non-linear, seismic or dynamic analysis. The program also verifies web yielding and web crippling at supports.

Steel optimization

• GSE steel performs an optimization of a number of selected groups of members. The optimization can then be carried for the whole structure or a part of the structure.

Cold-formed steel design
•  GSE Steel enables structural steel designers to design cold-formed steel members in accordance with the North American specification for cold-formed steel structural members.
• Supported Standards: Covers the United States & Mexico (AISI S100-16), and Canada (CSA S136-16).
• Hybrid Structure Design: Supports models combining cold-formed steel sections with regular steel shapes, allowing for the design of hybrid structures.
•When required by the steel design standard, slender sections of regular shapes are also calculated using CSA S136-16 or AISI S100-16. The program covers all standard shapes as well as parametric shapes.
Cold formed steel supported section shapes:

•60° and 90° angles and 90° angles with lips
•Channel with or without lips
•Z sections with or without lips
•U (Hat) sections

Cold-formed steel design checks:

•Tension resistance (Chapter D)
•Compression resistance including distortional buckling (Chapter E)
•Bending resistance including distortional buckling (Chapter F)
•Shear resistance (Chapter G)
•Combined forces (Chapter H)
•Web yielding and web crippling at supports (Chapter G)

Limit States

Limit states can be displayed graphically on the 3D model by means of colors or numerically in spreadsheets and reports.

Executive reports

• Customizable, user-friendly, and exhaustive report generation in multiple formats including Word document and Excel worksheet
• Generate executive report summary by printing the results for only the critical load combination

Engineering Calculator

• Steel Calculator™ included

Enhanced multi-material design capability

within a single, integrated software environment

An all-in-one, integrated software solution in one seamless environment.

The General Structural Engineering (GSE) software offers a significant advantage with its ability to perform multiple material designs simultaneously. This powerful feature enables structural engineers to efficiently design and analyze structures using various materials such as steel, concrete, wood, or aluminum  – within a single, integrated software environment.

By integrating advanced design and analysis tools, GSE streamlines workflows, optimizes design time, and enhances productivity. This efficiency is critical in today’s fast-paced engineering projects, allowing for quicker turnaround times and cost-effective designs.

GSE Timber Module

Mass Timber and Light-Frame Wood Structures Design (NDS and CSA O86-19)

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GSE Steel Module

Steel and Cold Formed Steel (AISC 360 LRFD & ASD, AISI S100-16, CSA S16, S136-16)

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GSE Concrete Module

Reinforced Concrete, Slab and Foundation Design (ACI-318, CSA-A23.3 and ECP-203)

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GSE Aluminum Module

Aluminum Structural Analysis and Design Software (AA ADM-2020 and CSA S157)

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GSE Steel Software

3D Structural Analysis and Design Software

Our team is here to assist with any inquiries—whether you're exploring options, scheduling a demo, requesting pricing, or seeking help to get started with the GSE Steel software.

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Discover why professional engineers choose GSE.

All-in-one analysis and design solution for Steel, Concrete, Timber and Aluminum seamlessly integrated within a single software environment
Ready to get started? Contact us today to explore the GSE software.