This page explains the procedure to transfer a license from a Source computer to a Target computer.
Source computer
Where the license is currently installed.
Target computer
Where the license needs to be transferred to.
Step 1. Acquire the fingerprint of the Target computer (C2V file)
In this first step, it is required to obtain the fingerprint of the target computer (the computer that will receive the license).
Step 1 Target computer
Where the license needs to be transferred to.
First, access the License Manager utility
From the software, the License Manager utility is accessible from the Tools menu using the License Update command.
It is also possible to run the License manager using the License Update shortcut from the Windows menu. This shortcut can be found in the SAFI folder in the All programs menu.
Step 1.1 In the License Manager, select Transfer a software license from or to this computer
Step 1.2 Click on Acquire computer fingerprint
Step 1.3 Save the computer fingerprint
The file generated from the target computer will have the extension .c2v.
Save the resulting file as you will need to insert it in the edit field in the Export license tab on the source computer (computer on which the license is currently active).
Step 2. Deactivate the license on the Source computer and generate an update V2C code
In this second step, the existing license must be deactivated from the source computer to be exported to the target computer.
Step 2 Source computer
Where the license is currently installed.
First, access the License Manager utility
Step 2.1 In the License Manager, select Transfer a software license from or to this computer
Step 2.2 Click on Export a software license to another computer
Step 2.3 Deactivate and export license
Insert the fingerprint generated in step 1.3 in the edit field on the source computer, click on the Deactivate and export license button. This operation deactivates the license on the source computer and generates an update code.
The file generated from the source computer will have the extension .v2c.
This operation cannot be undone, make sure to save the resulting license file. A safety copy of this update code is automatically stored in your temporary folder (extension .h2h).
Step 3. Activate the license on the Target computer using the generated V2C code
In this third step, the exported license must be activated on the Target computer.
Step 3 Target computer
Where the license needs to be transferred to.
First, access the License Manager utility
Step 3.1 In the License Manager, select Transfer a software license from or to this computer
Step 3.2 Click on Import and activate exported license
Step 3.3 Apply V2C exportation code
Import the V2C exportation code generated in step 2.3 in the edit field.
Click on the Apply activation code button to complete the transfer on the target computer.
Step 3.4 Click on Finish
When receiving the message that the license has been transferred successfully, the transfer is complete and the license is now activated on the target computer.
Need help? Contact our licensing support team. For further technical assistance regarding a license transfer, please contact